Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Family reunion!!!

Ok. So like a week ago I went to my dads side family reunion! It was so much fun! We went to Logan, Utah because my grandpa and grandma just had there 50th anniversiry and they got married in the logan temple. So that was part of the celibration! We have about 70 people in our family so it was crowded! lol But one of the nights I was swimming in the hotel pool with my cousins and my friend Sadie walked in! It was so cool! Then she swam with us and then afterwards played some card games with us. It was tons of fun! So that was like my only summer vacation this year. Well except for the 4th of july we always go down to my cousins in Blanding, Utah and hang out with them 4 the holidays! And they have these races-a 5-k and mile run for the kids. And I usually do the mile and last year i came in 4th and my cousin 5th out of maybe like 30 or 40 somethin kids! So thats always tons of fun and this year im really hoping to beat my time and get a higher placement! And in other news I just got back from my soccer training with Andy Williams which I do every week. Its awesome! He is like sooooo good and extremely cool and nice!!! And for those of you not cool enough to know who that is he is the best soccer player(i think he is!) on Real Salt Lake! TTYL!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Fun, Fun, Fun

So I havent posted for like ever!!! But im gunna try to start posting AT LEAST once a week! So I CANT BELEIVE its already summer! Its so awesome! Even though my summer has started off kind of bad but im still just glad to be out of school! My weekend was alot of fun though! So first on Friday we first, got out of school at 12:15 then at 10:00 at night I went to classic skating and played a 2 hour game of hockey with my dad, uncle, their friends, and a few of my friends. It was so much fun! We just rented classic skating out for 2 hours after they closed and had a fun time! It was THE BEST! Then the next day My family and I went to my moms summer work party at Raging Waters. It was fun but I would have had a TON more fun if it wasnt so dang cold!!!!!!! And in the summer too! You would hope it would be at least a little bit warm for summer! Then when we went to a concert up in eagle mountain for their town days. The people that performed were: Little Texas, Blackhawk, and Restless Heart. Oh and the opener was J. Marc Bailey. He is so awesome! I got a bracelet from him and an autographed picture/poster of him. I also got a picture with him. He lives in eagle mountain and is way good and famous. He also peformed at my uncles benefit concert, which was way cool! By the way im hoping to figure out how to get the pictures of the benefit concert i promised and the pic of J. Marc Bailey and me posted on here soon! So ill try to hurry on that but in the mean time vote on which you think is better-Nike or Adidas! Personally I like Adidas WAY better but thats just me!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Cook or Archuleta?

So 2nites the finale of AI(american Idol) and I have NO IDEA of whos gunna win! but i dont even know who i want 2 win anyway so it wont really matter anyway. So tell me who u think is goin 2 win! TELL ME!

Friday, May 16, 2008


So the other day my dad got pulled over 4 going like 92 in a 65 zone! it was kinda funny! but he got a TICKET! :'[ And 2day I went 2 the Grizzlies semi-finals hockey game 2nite! it was tonz of fun but they lost! so that sucked! but it was still a pretty cool nite! so ya! o and 2morrow is my uncles benefit concert and its gunna ROCK! i cant wait! but anyway im gunna be there all day setting up and cleaning up and having fun! so i should have some pics of that 2morrow 4 ya! so cya!

My first post!

Ok well i had a website but it was just stupid! so im just gunna do a blog right here and just talk about random stuff! So ya! Coment!