Friday, May 16, 2008


So the other day my dad got pulled over 4 going like 92 in a 65 zone! it was kinda funny! but he got a TICKET! :'[ And 2day I went 2 the Grizzlies semi-finals hockey game 2nite! it was tonz of fun but they lost! so that sucked! but it was still a pretty cool nite! so ya! o and 2morrow is my uncles benefit concert and its gunna ROCK! i cant wait! but anyway im gunna be there all day setting up and cleaning up and having fun! so i should have some pics of that 2morrow 4 ya! so cya!


Lolly said...

so i heard that the concert went really well! i hope your uncle and your cousins are doing okay!

Sage Pemberton said...

ya it was really FUN!!! ya there doing pretty good

Jaxon said...

Who are u lolly?

Sage Pemberton said...

Shes a friend from skool.